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/ LG Harris / No Loss 3G

AME Group, Harris No Loss 3G, Product Design

The No Loss 3G was designed for LG Harris, one of Europe’s largest and best known manufacturers of paint brushes and decorating tools.

 LG Harris / No Loss 3G - Create: Concept Design
 LG Harris / No Loss 3G - Create: Material & Colour Analysis
LG Harris / No Loss 3G

AME developed a brush with an ergonomic shaped handle for more accurate finishing and improved comfort, echoing the filament’s enhancements in paint pick up and smooth, even layoff. The brush’s aesthetics were developed to reflect a more contemporary appearance whilst echoing the heritage of its predecessors and building on the brands reputation. It was also of high importance to create a design which differentiated itself from competitor products.

Using AME’s unique product design process ensured that the transition from concept to production was as low risk as possible. AME were able help Harris minimize the associated costs of bringing a product to market whilst ensuring it was done within a limited timeframe.

Harris also utilized AME’s in house prototyping facility to produce low volume, vacuum cats batches of the brushes for consumer and retailer’s assessment. This meant Harris could present production quality brushes prior to committing to the high capital cost of volume production. It also gave them the confidence to bring the product to market at a later date.

LG Harris, have been using AME's industrial design services since 2006 to design and develop new products. This has enabled Harris to continue to lead the decorating sector with a wide range of value and quality products available in multiple outlets across the globe.