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/ Connexion2 / Identicom

Connexion2, Identicom, lone worker device, Alarm, AME

Connexion2, now an established and reputable provider of lone worker solutions, initially approached AME with the concept of an ID badge that doubles as a discreet, mobile communications device.

Connexion2, Identicom, Lone Worker Device
Connexion2, Identicom, Lone Worker Device
Connexion2, Identicom, Lone Worker Device

The solution, Identicom, was designed and developed by AME and Connexion2’s software partners and has now become the most widely used dedicated lone worker device. The award winning product is a discreet lone worker device that utilises GSM and GPS technology and is styled in the form of an identity card holder, allowing a user to raise an alarm to obtain help in the event of abuse or attack.

AME worked alongside Connexion2’s electronic and software partners to ensure the advanced technology could be deployed in such a tight envelope. The device was prototyped using our in-house SLA and vacuum casting facilities, enabling trial units to be tested in the field thus aiding the development process. AME then worked with UK manufactures to produce a high quality device with a competitive final cost of manufacture.